Empowering Lives with Narrative Therapy

Caspersen Training Center provides a narrative therapy framework for therapists and others in caregiving professions to help their clients explore their life and values. Through workshops, our certificate program and advanced practice groups, practitioners learn to engage and empower individuals to take charge of their personal journeys.a
We offer our workshops on-site and via our online, interactive global classroom. Our international roster of speakers features the leading minds in narrative therapy and our guaranteed small session sizes create a collaborative, interactive atmosphere.
Join like-minded practitioners and experience an immediate, transformational impact on your
practice. CEU credits are available. Certificate program space is limited - sign up for the season today!

Caspersen gets to the heart of the matter and takes narrative therapy to a deeper level. Everyone can stretch their limits and keep growing here.
Certificate Program Graduate

Narrative at Caspersen is more than just having a training or model. It’s introduced me to
a whole new way of seeing the world. It informs everything I do and how I position myself in relation to the client.”
Certificate Program Participant

The approach taken at Caspersen is right in step with the medical movement toward patients claiming their voice in their medical care. Their ownership of what is happening to them comes first, just like in narrative therapy.
Certificate Program Graduate