How Values and Experiences Appear in Narrative Therapy
I have often used the metaphor of a compass to describe the values and experiences that people hold and use to direct their lives...
Why I Run A Narrative Therapy Training Program
People ask me why I run a training program in narrative therapy. It takes an enormous amount of work, doesn’t earn much money and the...
How To Start a Narrative Therapy Conversation
I am frequently asked how to start a narrative conversation. Here is one way to do so: When I start meeting with someone, I think of a...
Stretching the Lens of Therapy - A New Perspective
The narrative principle of being centered on the person and not the therapist beyond the immediate interaction. It changes how the therapis
The Other Side of the Problem is the Preferred (Bonus FREE DOWNLOAD)
On the other side of any problem is the preferred. The preferred means hope. This is such a simple concept with amazing ramifications....
Taking Issue With The Expert Position
I take issue with therapists positioning themselves as the expert in the room. To maintain the position of expert, the therapist must...
I LOVE My Job - And so can you!
I love my job. It is a real privilege when people confide the intimate details of their lives and I experience a strong connection as we...
Narrative Therapy – A contrast of conversations
Have you have ever walked into a room and felt that people weren’t listening, that they already had their minds made up and you were...